More Christmas...We love the gifts..Especially J, N, L and C. Gracie too in her Christmas outfit..
Christmas @ Preschool...Santa too...
Finally, time to update my blog...Here are a few pictures of the Christmas cheer @ 1201. A little tacky but festive. Notice the pink flamingo here and there.
Joy Michelle...wife and mother of 2..girl-11 and boy-4. I love to taking pictures and organizing them in albums. You might also find a movie ticket, brochure, newspaper article, program or anything else I can somehow manage to get to stay in the album. Once I filled up a slot w/ sand and small shells. I hope that by blogging I can share my pictures with everyone or you can come to my house and well drag out all the albums. Better bring and overnite bag. These are some of my favorite pictures, one that kinda sum up the event, season, reunion, etc.